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Riding the bus? No kitchen? Missing teeth? ADHD/ASD? Many Americans struggle with food security. You CAN eat healthy on a budget, even without a kitchen.

Take a look at the questions below…

1. Finish this sentence. "I am..."

2. Are you or do you suspect that you're food insecure?

3. How good are you at putting together meals for yourself?

4. What is your #1 problem with food insecurity?

5. Those with [last response] as an issue typically suffer from 1 of 3 roadblocks.

Tell me, which of these food security problems do you suffer from the most?

6. Lastly, this may not seem like it matters, but "Least favorite Character in Game of Thrones? and you

CAN'T say Joffrey "... because that could matter a whole lot!

7. Are you or do you suspect that you're food insecure?

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